This course was NOT a scam nor a scheme OR a get rich quick scheme!!!

I finally made it! Whew it has been a journey but I made it to the community and I couldn’t be happier. πŸ˜€ TBH, I have watched Hanna talk about the Roadmap to Riches, the 2.0, NOW soon to be released 3.0 on her TikTok for almost a whole year before I actually bought it and decided to start the learning process!!! I am a Motivational Mindset Coach and wasn’t sure how this program would help me establish and grow my business, and reach people far away to offer real help and guidance. Quick disclaimer, I also did the infamous $7 course and got the wind knocked out of me after the first attempted upsell which was exorbitant to say the least. That said, I was broken, skeptical, and wanted the actual proof from ordinary people who wanted to build a community and solve real problems.

I was honestly taken aback when I saw the full course outline, and decided then that this course was NOT a scam nor a scheme OR a get rich quick scheme!!! It takes real work, real investment of time and complete dedication to the growth of your business. I started the course in December, and completed 94% by January 15! I watched and rewatched the course to get greater clarity and it didn’t disappoint.

If you are thinking this is too much of an investment, I beg you to research the cost of a Digital Marketing course at your community college and compare them–I did and this was much more in depth, and cost A LOT LESS!! It was an investment for me, and not an easy one as I am a single Mother with 2 kids–I had to come to the place in my mind where I desired to flourish and break the glass ceiling above me! Take the leap, it will be your best decision…..☺️

S. Barriner

Empower Yourself with Knowledge: Attend our on-demand webinar to uncover the strategies and tools offered in The Roadmap 3.0 and propel your career forward!